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EU Projects

EU projects

DG ENER project ENER/C1/2014-668: Design of flexibility portfolios at Member State level to facilitate a cost-efficient integration of high shares of renewable electricity (*)

HORIZON2020 project: BestRES

HORIZON2020 project: EUHeroes

HORIZON2020 project: iDistributedPV


HORIZON2020 project: PV- Prosumers4Grid

HORIZON2020 project: AURES

Concerted Action on the Energy Efficiency Directive (CA-EED)

Concerted Action on the Energy Perfomance of Buildings Directive (CA-EPBD)

HORIZON2020 project: CITYnvest

HORIZON2020 project: CoolHeating

HORIZON2020: Flexynets

HORIZON2020: LowUp

EU's Seventh Framework Programme: CertifiHy

Guidelines for creating the European Biomethane Guarantees of Origin (*)

HORIZON2020 project: Biosurf

HORIZON2020 project: Bioenergy4Business

HORIZON2020 project: Biomasud Plus

HORIZON2020 project: BioVill

Project DG ENER(C1)427: Carbon impacts of biomass consumed in the EU - quantitative assessment - final report (*)

Study by DG ENER: Optimal use of biogas from waste streams. An assessment of the potential of biogas from digestion in the EU beyond 2020 - final report (*)

Study by DG ENER: Renewable energy progress and biofuels sustainability - final report (*)

DG ENER project BIENL13120: The land use change impact of biofuels consumed in the EU - final report (*)

DG ENER project BIENL15199: Decomposing biofuel feedstock crops and estimationg their ILUC effects - final report (*)

DG ENER project EC DESNL14583: Methodologies identification and certification of Low ILUC risk biofuels - final report (*)


Study by DG ENER: Analysis of the latest available scientific research and evidence on indirect land use change (ILUC) greenhouse gas emissions associated with production of biofuels and bio liquids – Study report (*)

Study by DG ENER: Benefits of an integrated European Energy Market - final report (*)

Study by DG ENER: Financing renewable energy in the European Energy Market - final report (*)

Study by DG ENER: Study on Technical Assistance in realisation of the 2016 Report on Renewable Energy, in preparation of the Renewable Energy Package for the Period 2020-2030 in the European Union - Task 3 (*)

Study by DG ENER: Study on Technical Assistance in Realisation of the 2016 Report on Renewable Energy, in preparation of the Renewable Energy Package for the Period 2020-2030 in the European Union: Task 1 & 2 (*)


These projects are presented here as additional information. However, their presentation in the context of the CA-RES does not imply that the EASME, the European Commission or the CA-RES endorse their results. The CA-RES, the EASME and the European Commission do not take any responsibility for the content of the reports or tools developed in the context of these projects, any imprecision or errors therein or for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. For any questions, clarifications or comments on these documents the authors of these tools and reports should be contacted directly.

(*) The studies are subject to a disclaimer and copyright. The studies have been carried out for the European Commission and express the opinions of the organisations having undertaken them. The views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the European Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of the European Commission's views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information given in the studies, nor does it accept responsibility for any use made thereof.  Copyright in these studies is held by the European Union. Persons wishing to use the contents of these studies (in whole or in part) for purposes other than their personal use are invited to submit a written request to the following address: European Commission - Energy DG Library (DM28, 0/36) - B-1049 Brussels or by electronic form.