With more than half of its gross final energy consumption coming from renewable sources, Sweden (60%) had by far the highest share among the EU Member States in 2020, ahead of Finland (44%) and Latvia (42%). But much more than that, the EU as a whole has reached 22% of the gross final energy consumption share from renewable sources in 2020. This is two percentage points above the 2020 target set in Directive 2009/28/EC on promoting energy from renewable sources. This is a significant achievement and an important milestone on the EU's path to climate neutrality by 2050.
The Directive also sets national targets for 2020, which have been set, considering the baseline situation and the overall potential for renewable energy in each country. The national 2020 targets were met or exceeded by 26 Member States. The Member States that significantly exceeded their 2020 targets were Sweden, Croatia (+11 percentage points), and Bulgaria (+7 percentage points). On the other hand, France missed its target (-3.9 percentage points). Some countries had to make statistical transfers in 2020 to meet their targets (see the section 'More information').
This conclusion is based on Data from Eurostat, which offers further details in the Statistics Explained article on renewable energy and within the Eurostat database on energy.